December 29, 2020 3 min read 1 Comment
Words describe experience— where attention goes
To each their own— words in sand, not in stone
Keep that in mind, wandering through any poem,
We’ve inherited these symbols, sounds and tones
Do we discern the energy of words in common prose?
Such limited vehicles for energy expressing souls
The vocabularies that fade when civilizations erode
All the definitions the hive mind expects you to know,
Exploring common places the hive mind expects you to go
We waive divine potential as we settle on recreating the old
Can we see beyond time— this metaphysical box we chose?
A Mind’s outward search makes life seem out of control,
Looking everywhere, except the beating chamber we know
If we knew our power, we wouldn’t get high off fear or hope…
We exist in a sea of stars, why spend our nights on a phone?
Will we release our ideas so pure moments can unfold?
Words needed, energy traded, a moment will expose
The universe responds to the energies we’ve sewn
Our ideas of separation are— just ideas— ideas alone
Boundaries give space, but still connect to the whole
‘Thinking’ hearts withhold love ‘til life feels under control
A distortion of reality, one programmed in the mold
May be why whole love evades those who ‘want’ it most…
If reactive judgement dissolves, I wonder what we’d know?
Would we ‘see’ people under the masks, under the robes?
The System just repackages old distractions in different clothes
Anyone can find dirt — only clear eyes can spot the gold
Where attention is directed is where your energy goes
The collective idea of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ creates this reality show
“Good vibes” without a spine is a blank book, but a title bold
Intuition arrives in devotion, not from “how-tos” or measured goals
Snakes thrive in Gardens planted with society’s regressive games
A forked tongue symbolic of path duality’s apple creates
Thoughts telling what you want to hear, and some that shame—
That is, until, sight rises above old paradigm’s mis-takes—
Infinity can’t be realized while minds mingle with linear ‘fate’
Discernment beyond dissonance can be an uncomfortable task
The weight of conformity always seems to pull back…
When ego clings to transient identities and temporary ‘facts’
Fool’s gold indoctrination selling degrees and letters attached
How many institutions write intellectual checks that can’t be cashed?
Eye of the beholder— the realest way to know toxic habits
Who were you before you became the role you were handed?
Been down those roads— chased down those rabbits
Sentient beings lie below layers of camouflaged attachments
Are you in truth, or a lifestyle character born from planning?
Knowledge without wisdom, a hallmark of the fool’s gold path
The Matrix meets the Truman show, living life as an act
Seek higher ideals, and old ways may try and distort the path
Mr. Smith becomes those we know and love— biology hacked
Daily lessons, maintaining centered resonance as we interact
Energy is exchanged with a simple look… a glance…
Is ‘purpose’ choosing to live true, without past masks?
Your true spark shines, inspiring other flames to dance
Flames self-sustaining, not dependent on a ‘better-half’
Intertwining flames blazing so bright the Cosmos react
Mankind, before the Monad, is a garden that’s only grass
Each thoughtseed foreshadows harvests that may pass
Little things seed the big things in this alchemical dance
Abundant gardens fed on trust, each Spring’s a new chance
Release each moment to Heart’s fire to feel Mind’s eye react…
Would we be realized if we released framed ideas of the past?
Charged times bring opportunity for the greatest tests
Observe where energy flows as thoughts project
Without calculating costs and counting breathes…
Is the great union when heart and mind connect?
A recapitulated being, risen from the walking dead
May Mind align with songs the Heart has always known…
Can a state of being transmute heavy situations in to gold?
Can we trust our ‘knowing’ to reveal the philosopher’s stone?
A pearl in the power source human chests were made to hold
Forgiveness releases ties, while condemning binds the soul
The ‘worst’ offenses can be transcended, life continues to flow…
May we release those “on our mind” so they may be reknown
Dying to each moment allows rebirth as truth’s new focus
See inside a silent breath’s path to hear what can’t be shown
To sense subtle tones’ arrival as the Great Maestro composes
The Cosmos bestows gifts in frequential shifts, the perfect doses…
Waves of change wash over what once was thought as hopeless
Revelations, rapture, ascension — dialects of Gnosis —
Unannounced, proverbial notions to wake up and smell the roses
December 13, 2021 3 min read
False structures falling may be alarming, yet necessary nevertheless
New worlds calling, each sunrise calming and revealing her breathe
December 13, 2021 2 min read
May all wake to remember where we’ve gone, all we’ve been,
May all return to ‘knowing’, mythos growing, reuniting cosmic kin…
December 29, 2020 3 min read 1 Comment
House of Cards falling— Destiny is calling— shadows bow to Sun,
The fruits exposing deception’s clothing— the snakes and the doves
Luke hento
November 11, 2021
Where are you at and what do you charge and houre